Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1978 36 Ayse Gedik Sizes of Different Migration Flows in Turkey,1965-70: Possible Future Directions and Towards Comparative Analysis
1978 35 Ayse Gedik Spatial Distribution of Population in Postwar Japan,(1945-75) and Implications for Developing Countries
1978 34 Atsuyuki Okabe Spatially Constrained Clustering: parametric and Ninparametric Methods for Testing the Spatially Homogeneous clusters
1978 33 Mamoru Kaneko The Stable Sets of a Simple Game
1978 32 Yozo Ito & Mamoru Kaneko Note on Linearizability of Cost Functions in Public Goods Economies
1978 31 Kozo Sasaki Food DeMand Matrix Derived From Additive Quadratic Model
1978 30 Atsuyuki Okabe Transportation and the Equilibrium Size of cities in a Region
1978 29 Mamoru Kaneko A Measure of Inequality in Income Distribution
1978 28 Hiroshi Atsumi OnEfficiency Prices of competitive Programs in Closed Linear Models
1978 27 Mamoru Kaneko an Extension of the Nash Bargaining Problem and the Nash Social Welfare funvtion
1978 26 Atsuyuki Okabe The Stable State Conditions of the Population-Dependent Migration functions under No Population Growth
1977 25 Hajime Eto Generalized Domination and Fuzzy Domination in Prefernce Structure
1977 24 Mamoru Kaneko The Nash Social Welfare Function for a measure of Individuals
1977 23 Mamoru Kaneko A Bilateal Monopoly and the Nash Solution
1977 22 Atsuyuki Okabe Population dynamics of Cities in a Region: Conditions for the Simultaneously Growing State
1977 21 Hajime Eto Evaluation Model of Distribution Sector in Decentralized Ecinimy
1977 20 Haruo Ohnishi On the Existence and Uniquess of a Solution to an Operational Spatial Net Social Quasi-Welfare Maximization Problem
1977 19 Koichi Mera & Hiroshi Ueno Population Factors in Planning of Sub=national Areas: Their Roles and Implications in the Long-run
1977 18 Mamoru Kameko Consideration of the Nash Social Welfare Function
1977 17 Atsuyuki Okabe Spatial Aggregation Bias in Trip Disstribution Probabilities : The Case of the Gravity Model
1977 16 Atsuyuki Okabe Some Reconsiderations of Simon's City Size Distribution Model
1977 15 Hiroshi Atsumi A Geometric Note on Global Monotonicity Thorem
1977 14 Mamoru Kaneko The Assignment Markets
1977 13 Atsuyuki Okabe An Expected Rank-Size Rule : A Theoretical Relationship between the Rank-Size Rule and City Size Distributions
1977 12 Hiroshi Atsumi On Proportional Malinvaud Prices

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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