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年度 | DP NO. | 著者名 | タイトル |
2024 | 1394 | Seizo IKUTA and Byung-Kook, KANG | The Integrated Theory of Selling and Buying Problems Based on the Concepts of Symmetry and Analogy (ver.003) |
2024 | 1393 | Seizo IKUTA and Byung-Kook, KANG | The Integrated Theory of Selling and Buying Problems Based on the Concepts of Symmetry and Analogy (ver.002) |
2024 | 1392 | Tai-Wei Hu , Mamoru Kaneko | Logic of Reciprocal Empathy: Shallow Interpersonal Reasoning and Latent Infinity (The original title is: Epistemic Logic of Reciprocal Empathy: Surface to Deeper Layers and Latent Infinity) |
2024 | 1391 | 寺田海渡、罇 涼稀、竹田俊彦、高野祐一、岡田幸彦 (Kaito TERADA, Ryoki MOTAl, Toshihiko TAKEDA, Yuichi TAKANO and Yukihiko OKADA) | 混合ガウスモデルを用いたデータ駆動型企業分類の提案と検証 (Proposal and Validation of Data-Driven Company Classification Using Gaussian Mixture Model) |
2023 | 1390 | Hidekazu ANNO | Note on Gale’s conjecture in one-sided matching problems |
2023 | 1389 | Shin-ichi KANOH , Akiko YOSHISE | Post-Processing with Projection and Rescaling Algorithms for Semidefinite Programming |
2023 | 1388 | 金子守(Mamoru KANEKO)、石川竜一郎( Ryuichiro ISHIKAWA ) | A Resolution of the Centipede Paradox |
2023 | 1387 | Hidekazu Anno | Efficient and Strategy-proof Cardinal Rules on a Restricted Domain |
2023 | 1386 | Seizo IKUTA | The Integration Theory of Selling Problem and Buying Problem Based on the Concepts of Symmetry and Analogy (ver.001) |
2022 | 1385 | 罇 涼稀 (Ryoki MOTAI),竹田俊彦(Toshihiko TAKEDA), 今倉 暁(Akira IMAKURA), 櫻井鉄也(Tetsuya SAKURAI) , 岡田幸彦(Yukihiko OKADA) | リレーションシップバンキング機能の向上を目的とした中小企業の資金ニーズ判別法とその活用の提案 (Proposal of a Method to Determine the Financial Needs of SMEs and ItsUtilization for the Purpose of Improving Relationship Banking Functions) |
2022 | 1384 | Hidekazu ANNO , Sui TAKAHASHI | Fair priority-completion in assignment problems |
2022 | 1383 | 罇 涼稀(Ryoki MOTAI),秦 涼太(Ryota SHIN), 今倉 暁(Akira IMAKURA), 櫻井鉄也(Testuya SAKURAI), 岡田幸彦(Yukihiko OKADA) | 財務諸表データを用いた資金ニーズの見過ごしチェックAIの開発(Development of AI to Check for Missed Financial Needs Using Financial Statement Data) |
2022 | 1382 | 名倉卓弥 (Takuya NAGURA), 秋山英三 (Eizo AKIYAMA) | SNSにおけるトピックスの増加が意見の分極化とエコーチェンバーに与える影響 (The effect of topics increasing to opinion polarization and echo chambers on SNS) |
2022 | 1381 | Zhijian LAI, Akiko YOSHISE | Riemannian Interior Point Methods for Constrained Optimization on Manifolds |
2021 | 1380 | 黒田 翔(Sho KURODA), 島田夏美(Natsumi SHIMADA) | 社会工学オーラル・ヒストリー:川崎由紀子(事務職員)(PPS Oral History: Yukiko Kawasaki, former official) |
2021 | 1379 | Mamoru KANEKO | A St.Petersburg Market:A Banker with a Budget and People with Cognitive Bounds |
2021 | 1378 | Shin-ichi KANOH, Akiko YOSHISE | A New Extension of Chubanov’s Method to Symmetric Cones |
2021 | 1377 | Zhijian LAI, Akiko YOSHISE | Completely Positive Factorization by Riemannian Smoothing Method |
2021 | 1376 | Yuzhu WANG, Akiko YOSHISE | Evaluating approximations of the semidefinite cone with trace normalized distance |
2021 | 1375 | Masakatsu OKUBO | Model Uncertainty, Economic Development, and Welfare Costs of Business Cycles |
2020 | 1374 | 栗栖慶太 (Keita KURISU), 秋山英三 (Eizo AKIYAMA) | パンデミックにおける感染者数と経済ダメージの抑制に最適な人的移動制限率の検討 (Optimal Rate of Mobility Restriction to Control the Number of Infected People and Economic Damage in a Pandemic) |
2020 | 1373 | Hidekazu ANNO, Sui TAKAHASHI | A decomposition of strategy-proofness in discrete resource allocation problems |
2020 | 1372 | 島田夏美(Natsumi SHIMADA),黒田 翔(Sho KURODA) | 社会工学オーラル・ヒストリー:山本芳嗣(名誉教授 ) (PPS Oral History: Professor Emeritus Yoshitsugu Yamamoto) |
2020 | 1371 | Duong Lam Anh TRAN | Foreign Direct Investment and Wealth Distribution Dynamics |
2020 | 1370 | Cheolmin KANG, Mitsuru OTA, AND Koichi USHIJIMA | Benefits of Heavy-Duty Diesel Emission Regulations: Evidence from the World’s Largest Low Emission Zone |
*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences