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年度 | DP NO. | 著者名 | タイトル |
1982 | 169 | Hiroshi Atsumi | The Internal Rate of Return and The Selection of Investment |
1982 | 168 | Yoshihiko Ohtani | Efficient Strategies and Starategic Equlibrium of Tariffs |
1982 | 167 | Yoshiko Nogami | Exact Rate N-2/3 in the Empirical Bayes Estimation: Case of Retraacted Distributions 1 |
1982 | 166 | Hajime Eto & Kyoko Makino | stochastic Model for Innovation and Resuliting Skeew Disstribution for Technological Cencentration with Verification in Japanese Industry |
1982 | 165 | Yoshitugu Yamamoto | a Model Based on Retraction for Fixed Point Algorithms |
1982 | 164 | Fumio Hayashi | The Effect of Liquidity cinstraints on Consumption: a Cross-Sectional analysis |
1982 | 163 | Yasoi Yasuda | A Fair Cost allocation Scheme o fa Public Project |
1982 | 162 | Yasoi Yasuda | aaming Model of the Human behavior of Taking Refuge in and Emergency-a Case Study of the Coming Large Earthqake inthe Tokyo Metropolitan Area |
1982 | 161 | Ikuo Kabashima | income Distribution and Political Participation in the Process of Socioeconomic Mobilization |
1982 | 160 | Hirotaka Sakasegawa | Stratified Rejection and Squeeze for Generatting Beta Randim Numbers |
1982 | 159 | Makoto Ohta & Zvi Griliches | Gasoline Price and passenger Car Prices in the United States For 1970-81: Did Cosumers Change Relative Quality Evaluations Among cars? |
1982 | 158 | Yoshistsugu Yamamoto & Masakazu Kojima | Variable Dimension Algorithms and a Class of Primal-Dual Subdivided manifolds |
1982 | 157 | Yoshitsugu Yamamoto | Housing as an asset and the Effects of Property Taxes on the Residenial Development Process |
1982 | 156 | Isao Ohashi | The Structure of Earnings and Separations in Japanse Manufacturing Industries: A Simulataeous-Eqation Approach |
1982 | 155 | Sho-ichiro Kusumoto | On the Keynes-Wicksell and Neoclasscal Models of Money and Growth |
1982 | 154 | Yoshitsugu Yamamoto | The 2-Ray Method: A New Varialbe Dimension Fixed Point algorithm with Integer Labelling |
1982 | 153 | Yoshitsugu Yamamoto & Masakazu Kojima | A Unified Approach to Several Restart Fixed Point Algorithms for Their Implementation and a new Variable Dimension Algorithm |
1982 | 152 | Satoru Fujishige | A Note Frank's Generalized Polymatroids |
1982 | 151 | Yoshitsugu Yamamoto & Masakazu Kojima | A unified Approach to Several Restart Fixed Point Algorithms for Their Implementation and a new Variable Dimension Algorithm |
1982 | 150 | Yoshiko Nogami | Exact Rate N-2/3,in the Empirical Bayes Estimation: Case of Uniform Distributions 1, |
1982 | 149 | Satoru fujishige & Noboru Tomizawa | A Note on Submodular functions on Distributive Lattices |
1981 | 148 | Iwaro Takahashi | A Method to Construct Primitive Orthogonal Idempotents by Eigen Polynomials - For Cyclic and Abelian Codes |
1981 | 147 | Satoru Fujishige & Nobuaki Tomizawa | An Algorithm for Finding a Minimum-Cost Strongly Connected Reorientation of a Directed Graph |
1981 | 146 | Yuji Kubo | A Model of Urbuan and Rural Growth in a Small Economy |
1981 | 145 | Haruo Ohnishi | Variable Classification and Geneation of feasible Sets for Barious Estimation Methods |
*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences