Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2003 1040 Daiji Kawaguchi "Are Computers at Home a form of Consumption or an Investment? A Longitudinal Analysis for Japan"
2003 1039 Daiji Kawaguchi "Negative Self Selection into Self Employment among African Americans"
2003 1038 Natsuki Sano, Hideo Suzuki and Masato Koda A Robust Boosting Method for Mislabeled Data
2003 1037 Hideaki Takagi Autonomic Management of a University
2003 1036 Keiko Nogami Optimal Hypothesis Testing Under Unbiased Estimates---Application to the Logistic Distribution
2003 1035 Sung Jin Kang Overseas Entry Decision and Ownership Strategy of Japanese Companies: Institution and Corporate Governance
2003 1034 Shigeki Kano Japanese Wage Curve: A Pseudo Panel Study
2003 1033 Jaedong Son "Customers Selection Problem Where Multiple Customers Can Be Held -Numerical Experiment-"
2003 1032 Jaedong Son "Customers Selection Problem Where Only One Customer Is Allowed to Be Held"
2003 1031 Keiichi Kubota and Hitoshi Takehara Return on Equity, the Cost of Capital and Income Taxation: Evidence from the Japanese Industries
2003 1030 "山鹿久木(筑波大学) 中川雅之(国土交通省) 齊藤 誠(一橋大学)" "市場メカニズムを通じた防災対策について 地震リスクに関する実証研究からのインプリケーション"
2003 1029 Kyota Eguchi "Damages or Reinstatement: A Note on Remedies for Illegal Dismissal"
2002 1028 "Johannes Hamonangan Siregar, Hideaki Takagi and Yongbing Zhang" "Fast Routing and Wavelength Assignment Heuristics for Large-Scale WDM Optical Networks "
2002 1027 Maiko Shigeno Maximum Network Flows with Concave Gains
2002 1026 Tetsu Kawakami, Piyush Tiwari and Masayuki Doi Welfare Effects of Trade Liberalization and Port Efficiency in China
2002 1025 吉田あつし・川村顕 "被保険者のモラルハザードと医師の代理者機能: 97年自己負担率改定における歯科のケース"
2002 1024 Yuichiro Sakaki and Hideaki Takagi Performance Analysis of CSMA/CA Wireless LANs
2002 1023 De-An Wu and Hideaki Takagi Processor-Sharing and Random-Service Queues with Semi-Markovian Arrivals
2002 1022 Hideyuki Takamizawa and Isao Shoji "On Accuracy of Local Linear Approximation for the Term Structure of Interest Rates "
2002 1021 Hideyuki Takamizawa and Isao Shoji Analytical Valuation of Swap Yield Curves
2002 1020 Sung Jin Kang "Are Private Transfers Altruistically Motivated? The Case of Nepal"
2002 1019 Naoyuki Kaneda "Experiment of Dictator Games And Fairness"
2002 1018 Naoyuki Kaneda "Experiment for Positive Externalities: Is Coase Theorem Applicable to the Positive Externalities?"
2002 1017 佐藤亮、蔡東倫、二村暢之、小野栄一 "ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論: quicklPP - 日程計画業務の場合 "
2002 1016 Masakatsu Okubo Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Durables: An Analysis Based on Japanese Data

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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