Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2002 1017 佐藤亮、蔡東倫、二村暢之、小野栄一 "ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論: quicklPP - 日程計画業務の場合 "
2002 1016 Masakatsu Okubo Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Durables: An Analysis Based on Japanese Data
2002 1015 Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta "Beveridge Curve and Regional Mobilities of Unemployed Job Seekers in Japan"
2002 1014 Tetsuji Yamada and Tadashi Yamada "Regulated Drug Pricing and Hospital Efficiency in Japan "
2002 1013 Satoshi Myojo and Yuichiro Kanazawa "Do Consumers Understand TCO? : An Empirical Study of Consumer Decision Making in the U.S. Automobile Market"
2002 1012 日吉拓也、河上哲、土井正幸 ノンサーベイ・アプローチによるつくば市産業連関表の作成と分析
2002 1011 Yasuaki Takeda and Hirofumi Matsuo ECR for Freshness
2002 1010 Tetsu Kawakaki and Masayuki Doi "Port Capital Formation and Economic Development in Japan: A Vector Autoregression Approach"
2002 1009 Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi "A Testing of the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis Using a Vector Autoregressive Model"
2002 1008 Kyota Eguchi Employment Protection Regulations and New Hiring
2002 1007 Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi "ARCH Variance Structures and News: The Six Asian Emerging Markets"
2002 1006 "Ayami Suzuka, Yasufumi Saruwatari and Akiko Yoshise" "Solving Sports Scheduling Problems Using Network Structure"
2002 1005 De-An Wu and Hideaki Takagi M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Working Vacations
2002 1004 Yoshiko Nogami A Comment on Section 4 of D.P.1002
2002 1003 Mamoru Kaneko, Tamon Ito, and Yu-ichi Osawa Comparative Statics in Rental Housing Markets with Indivisibilities
2002 1002 Yoshiko Nogami Hypothesis Testing based on Lagrange's Method: Application to the Uniform Distribution (II)
2002 1001 Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta "Long-Run Matching Relationship in the Japanese Labor Market: A Panel Cointegration Approach"
2002 1000 Chao-hsiung Lee and Yasuhiro Monden Target Cost Setting Method and Authority of Target Cost Allocation in Product Development Organizations
2002 999 T. L. Tsai and R. Sato "A UML Model of Agile Production Planning and Control System"
2002 998 Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi "An Alternative Method for Predicting Technical Inefficiency in Stochastic Frontier Models"
2002 997 Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta "Estimating A Matching Function and Regional Matching Efficiencies: Japanese Panel Data for 1973-1999"
2002 996 金盛 長 (金子 守) 第五曲:個人と社会
2002 995 Yoshiko Nogami "Hypothesis Testing Based on Lagrange's Method: Application to The Uniform Distribution."
2002 994 Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi and Yoshihiko Tsukuda Regional Disparities of the Japanese Banking Performance
2002 993 Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi "A Re-consideration on Technical Inefficiency in Stochastic Frontier Production Models"

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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