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年度 | DP NO. | 著者名 | タイトル |
2002 | 1017 | 佐藤亮、蔡東倫、二村暢之、小野栄一 | "ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論: quicklPP - 日程計画業務の場合 " |
2002 | 1016 | Masakatsu Okubo | Intertemporal Substitution and Consumer Durables: An Analysis Based on Japanese Data |
2002 | 1015 | Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta | "Beveridge Curve and Regional Mobilities of Unemployed Job Seekers in Japan" |
2002 | 1014 | Tetsuji Yamada and Tadashi Yamada | "Regulated Drug Pricing and Hospital Efficiency in Japan " |
2002 | 1013 | Satoshi Myojo and Yuichiro Kanazawa | "Do Consumers Understand TCO? : An Empirical Study of Consumer Decision Making in the U.S. Automobile Market" |
2002 | 1012 | 日吉拓也、河上哲、土井正幸 | ノンサーベイ・アプローチによるつくば市産業連関表の作成と分析 |
2002 | 1011 | Yasuaki Takeda and Hirofumi Matsuo | ECR for Freshness |
2002 | 1010 | Tetsu Kawakaki and Masayuki Doi | "Port Capital Formation and Economic Development in Japan: A Vector Autoregression Approach" |
2002 | 1009 | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | "A Testing of the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis Using a Vector Autoregressive Model" |
2002 | 1008 | Kyota Eguchi | Employment Protection Regulations and New Hiring |
2002 | 1007 | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | "ARCH Variance Structures and News: The Six Asian Emerging Markets" |
2002 | 1006 | "Ayami Suzuka, Yasufumi Saruwatari and Akiko Yoshise" | "Solving Sports Scheduling Problems Using Network Structure" |
2002 | 1005 | De-An Wu and Hideaki Takagi | M/G/1 Queue with Multiple Working Vacations |
2002 | 1004 | Yoshiko Nogami | A Comment on Section 4 of D.P.1002 |
2002 | 1003 | Mamoru Kaneko, Tamon Ito, and Yu-ichi Osawa | Comparative Statics in Rental Housing Markets with Indivisibilities |
2002 | 1002 | Yoshiko Nogami | Hypothesis Testing based on Lagrange's Method: Application to the Uniform Distribution (II) |
2002 | 1001 | Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta | "Long-Run Matching Relationship in the Japanese Labor Market: A Panel Cointegration Approach" |
2002 | 1000 | Chao-hsiung Lee and Yasuhiro Monden | Target Cost Setting Method and Authority of Target Cost Allocation in Product Development Organizations |
2002 | 999 | T. L. Tsai and R. Sato | "A UML Model of Agile Production Planning and Control System" |
2002 | 998 | Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | "An Alternative Method for Predicting Technical Inefficiency in Stochastic Frontier Models" |
2002 | 997 | Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta | "Estimating A Matching Function and Regional Matching Efficiencies: Japanese Panel Data for 1973-1999" |
2002 | 996 | 金盛 長 (金子 守) | 第五曲:個人と社会 |
2002 | 995 | Yoshiko Nogami | "Hypothesis Testing Based on Lagrange's Method: Application to The Uniform Distribution." |
2002 | 994 | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi and Yoshihiko Tsukuda | Regional Disparities of the Japanese Banking Performance |
2002 | 993 | Yoshihiko Tsukuda and Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | "A Re-consideration on Technical Inefficiency in Stochastic Frontier Production Models" |
*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences