Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2015 1341 五十石 俊祐(Shunsuke ISOISHI), 石井 儀光(Norimitsu ISHI) 一次通勤圏で高齢単身・夫婦世帯の持ち家の賃貸活用が進む可能性
2015 1340 Gaku IGARASHI Multivariate density estimation using a multivariate weighted log-normal kernel
2015 1339 Yoichi IZUNAGA, Tomomi MATSUI and Yoshitsugu YAMAMOTO A doubly nonnegative relaxation for modularity density maximization
2015 1338 Akihiro TANAKA and Akiko YOSHISE LP-based Tractable Subcones of the Semidefinite Plus Nonnegative Cone
2015 1337 Fredah GUANTAI and Yoko KIJIMA Cost of Introducing Multi-Party Elections: Impact of the 1992 Ethnic Violence on Child Health in Kenya
2015 1336 Takahiro TSUJIMOTO and Yoko KIJIMA Effects of Conflict on Child Health: Evidence from the 1990–1994 Northern Mali Conflict
2015 1335 Yaxuan CHANG and Kunihiko YOSHINO Willingness to Sell (WTS): An Incorporative Market Research of Contrastive Testing on WTP, WTS and WTA
2015 1334 Seiken SAI "The Impact of Rising Income Inequality on Rent Distribution␣ in Housing Markets with Indivisibilities"
2015 1333 "Hikoe ENOMOTO, Masahiro HACHIMORI, Shun NAKAMURA, Maiko SHIGENO, Yuya TANAKA, and Masakl TSUGAMI " Pure-strategy Nash equilibria on competitive diffusion games
2015 1332 Qazi M. GHYAS, and Fumiyo N. KONDO The Contribution of Mobile Information Services to Improve the Quality of Young User’s Lives Based on Bottom-Up Spillover Theory: A Case Study on Japan
2015 1331 Qazi M. GHYAS, and Fumiyo N. KONDO Factors towards Intention to Use Mobile Entertainment Services among Young Users: Comparative Cross-country and Cross-temporal Studies 
2015 1330 "Qazi M. GHYAS, and Fumiyo N. KONDO " Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Entertainment Services among Bangladeshi Students
2015 1329 Masakatsu OKUBO Model Uncertainty and International Differences in Risk Aversion
2015 1328 Noriyuki HIRAOKA, Mitsuru OTA and Stephen J. TURNBULL Relationship between urban population growth and utility level of workers with heterogeneity of labor efficiency
2014 1327 Seiken SAI On the evaluation of a differential rent vector in housing markets with indivisibilities
2014 1326 Hironori TSURUZONO, Yoichiro FUJII, Tatsuya GOTO,Yoshinori HATTORI, and Ryuichiro ISHIKAWA Heterogeneous Information in Experimental Asset Markets
2014 1325 Michiko OGAKU Incentives and information order with applications
2014 1324 Toshiki SATO Feature Subset Selection for Logistic Regression via Mixed Integer Optimization
2014 1323 石井 健一(Kenichi ISHII ),大吉健洋(Takehiro OYOSHI) 地域ブランドと地域特産品の評価の関係ー地方特産品の計量分析ー
2014 1322 "Tomohito KAMAI and Yuichiro KANAZAWA" Are manufacturers’ efforts to improve their brands’ reputation really rewarded? The case of Japanese yogurt market
2014 1321 "Koichi USHIJIMA " The Impact of a Universal Health Scheme on Precautionary Savings:Evidence from Thailand
2014 1320 Akihiro TANAKA and Akiko YOSHISE An LP-based Algorithm to Test Copositivity
2014 1319 Michiko OGAKU "Managerial Incentive Problems: A Role of Multi-Signals "
2013 1317 "Yoichi IZUNAGA and Yoshitsugu YAMAMOTO " Maximization of minimum margin for Statistical Parameter Estimation

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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