Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1993 544 Kazuhisa Takemura Influence of Elaboration on the Framing of Decision
1993 543 Hitoshi Matsushima Multimarket Contact,Imperfect Momitring, and Implicit Collusion
1993 542 Akihiro Hashimoto A DEA Selection System for Selective Examinations
1993 541 Satoru Fujishige and Xiaodong Zhang An Efficient Cost Scaling Algorithm for the Independent Assignment Problem
1993 540 白川浩 無裁定条件による金利オプション評価法−多項過程によるアプローチ−
1993 539 鹿野嘉昭 銀行、企業間の最適契約としてのメインバンク−−国際比較からみたメインバンク関係の日本的特徴
1993 538 T.Saijo Y.Tatamitani & T.Yamato Toward Natural Implementation
1993 537 M.Ito T.Saijo & M.Une The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited
1993 536 Kazuo Kishimoto Testing the Martingle Hypothesis of Heteroskedastic Time Series
1993 535 Mamoru Kanako and Subhashis Raychaudhuri Segregation Discriminatory Behaviors, and Fallacious Utility Functions in the Festival Game with Merrymakers
1993 534 丸山義皓、姜元  マクロ農業経済原論序説(Ⅱ)
1993 533 楠見孝 比喩理解における構成語の意味変化
1993 532 Kazutoshi Ando, Satoru Fujishige and Takeshi Naitoh Proper Bisubmodular System and Bidirected Flows
1993 531 松島斉 過去、現在、未来:繰り返しゲームと経済学を巡って
1993 530 Seizou Ikuta Optimal stopping problem with Several Search Area
1992 529 秋山学、竹村和久 不快感情と関与が意志決定過程に及ぼす影響
1992 528 Kozo Sasaki An Analysis of Consumer Demand in Japan by the Deaton-Muellbauer System
1992 527 丸山義皓、姜元 マクロ農業経済原論 序説
1992 526 Yoshiaki Shikano Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
1992 525 鹿野嘉昭 わが国の戦間期における銀行取付けのマクロ経済分析
1992 524 Kazutoshi Ando, Satoru Fujishige and Takeshi Naitoh A Characterization of Symmetoric Bisumodular Functions
1992 523 Dolf Talman, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto and Zaifu Yang The (2n+m-1-2)-Ray Algorithm: A new Variable Dimension Simplical Algorithm for Computing Economic Equilibria On Snm+
1992 521 Satoru Fujishige, Hiroko Sato and Ping Zhan An Algorithm for Finfing the Minimum-Norm Point in the Intersection of a Convex Polyhedron and a Hyperplane
1992 520 Tatsuyoshi Saijo & Hideki Nakamura The 'Spite' Dilemna in Voluntony Contribrtin Meedanism Expeninents

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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