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年度 | DP NO. | 著者名 | タイトル |
1993 | 544 | Kazuhisa Takemura | Influence of Elaboration on the Framing of Decision |
1993 | 543 | Hitoshi Matsushima | Multimarket Contact,Imperfect Momitring, and Implicit Collusion |
1993 | 542 | Akihiro Hashimoto | A DEA Selection System for Selective Examinations |
1993 | 541 | Satoru Fujishige and Xiaodong Zhang | An Efficient Cost Scaling Algorithm for the Independent Assignment Problem |
1993 | 540 | 白川浩 | 無裁定条件による金利オプション評価法−多項過程によるアプローチ− |
1993 | 539 | 鹿野嘉昭 | 銀行、企業間の最適契約としてのメインバンク−−国際比較からみたメインバンク関係の日本的特徴 |
1993 | 538 | T.Saijo Y.Tatamitani & T.Yamato | Toward Natural Implementation |
1993 | 537 | M.Ito T.Saijo & M.Une | The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited |
1993 | 536 | Kazuo Kishimoto | Testing the Martingle Hypothesis of Heteroskedastic Time Series |
1993 | 535 | Mamoru Kanako and Subhashis Raychaudhuri | Segregation Discriminatory Behaviors, and Fallacious Utility Functions in the Festival Game with Merrymakers |
1993 | 534 | 丸山義皓、姜元 | マクロ農業経済原論序説(Ⅱ) |
1993 | 533 | 楠見孝 | 比喩理解における構成語の意味変化 |
1993 | 532 | Kazutoshi Ando, Satoru Fujishige and Takeshi Naitoh | Proper Bisubmodular System and Bidirected Flows |
1993 | 531 | 松島斉 | 過去、現在、未来:繰り返しゲームと経済学を巡って |
1993 | 530 | Seizou Ikuta | Optimal stopping problem with Several Search Area |
1992 | 529 | 秋山学、竹村和久 | 不快感情と関与が意志決定過程に及ぼす影響 |
1992 | 528 | Kozo Sasaki | An Analysis of Consumer Demand in Japan by the Deaton-Muellbauer System |
1992 | 527 | 丸山義皓、姜元 | マクロ農業経済原論 序説 |
1992 | 526 | Yoshiaki Shikano | Monetary Policy and Financial Stability |
1992 | 525 | 鹿野嘉昭 | わが国の戦間期における銀行取付けのマクロ経済分析 |
1992 | 524 | Kazutoshi Ando, Satoru Fujishige and Takeshi Naitoh | A Characterization of Symmetoric Bisumodular Functions |
1992 | 523 | Dolf Talman, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto and Zaifu Yang | The (2n+m-1-2)-Ray Algorithm: A new Variable Dimension Simplical Algorithm for Computing Economic Equilibria On Snm+ |
1992 | 521 | Satoru Fujishige, Hiroko Sato and Ping Zhan | An Algorithm for Finfing the Minimum-Norm Point in the Intersection of a Convex Polyhedron and a Hyperplane |
1992 | 520 | Tatsuyoshi Saijo & Hideki Nakamura | The 'Spite' Dilemna in Voluntony Contribrtin Meedanism Expeninents |
*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences