Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1992 519 Koji Yamada and Soichi Nishimura A Queueing System with a Setup Time for Switching of the Service Distribution
1992 518 Yang Dai and Yoshitsugu Yamamoto A Continuous Deformation Algorithm for Variational Inequality Problems on Polytopes
1992 517 津崎百代、 岸本一男 日本の海岸線の「長さ」の計算とその誤差評価
1992 516 Yuichirou Kanazawa Hellinger distance and Kullback-Leibler loss for the kernel density estimatc
1992 515 Ryo Sato A Foundation of information Systems Analysis
1992 514 Masakazu KOJIMA,Toshihito NOMA,Akiko YOSHISE A Note on a Generic Interior-Point Algorithm for Complementaity Problems
1992 513 Keiko MAKINO,Kazuhisa TAKEMURA Japanese Concessional Behaviors as Interpersonal Interaction
1992 512 Kazutoshi Ando,Satoru Fujishige,Takeshi Naitoh A Greedy Algorithm for Minimizing a Separable Convex Function over an Integral Bisubmodular Polyhedron
1992 511 松島斉 寡占市場における暗黙の協調と参入阻止
1992 510 Hirotaka Sakasegawa and Takeshi Kawashima On the Equivalence of Three Types of Bolcking in non-Markovian Tandem Queues
1992 509 白川浩 Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Incomplete Markets and Upper and Lower Bound Constraints
1992 508 白川浩 マルチンゲール理論のオプション評価並びに動的ポートフォリオ選択への応用
1992 507 YOSHIKO NOGAMI A statistical inference under the uniform distribution U[θ,θ+1]
1992 506 竹村和久 The effect of Interpersonal Sentiments on Behavior Among Japanese Students
1992 505 宇根正志、西条辰義 筑波大学における1992年度第1学期の講義状況:調査
1992 504 竹村和久 The effect of decision frame and decision jistification on risky choice
1992 503 Kozo Sasaki The Structure of Food Demand in Japan:An Application of the Rotterdam System
1992 502 Tatsuyoshi Saijo and Yoshikatsu Tatamitani Characterizing Neutrality in the Voluntary Contribution Mechanism
1992 501 西条辰義、中村英樹 自発的寄付メカニズム実験におけるスパイト・ディレンマ
1992 500 Yoshikatsu Tatamitani Coalitional Formation in Games of Fair Division
1992 499 K.Sekitani,J.M.Shi,Y.Yamamoto and K.Yamasaki Algorithms for the Minimum Norm Point in the Intersection of a Polytope and several Hyperplanes
1992 498 Satoru Fujishige,Kazuo Iwano,Jun Nakano,and Shu Tezuka ASpeculative Contraction Method for MinimumCost Flows:Toeard a Practical Algorithm
1992 497 Yuichiro Kanazawa Hellinger distance and the histogram
1992 495 橋本昭洋 DEAによる野球打者の評価

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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