Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1979 64 Takao Fukuchi A dynamic analysis of Urban Growth
1979 63 Shigeru Matsukawa fringe Benefits in a Dnamic Teory of the Firm
1979 62 Mikoto Usui Advances Developing Countries and Japan in Changing International Economic Relationships
1979 61 Yukio Oguri A Residential Search Routine for A Metropolitan Residential Relocation Model
1979 60 Atsuyuki Okabe Statistical Test of the Pattern Similarity between Two Sets of Regional clusters
1979 59 Shoichiro Kusumoto Price Strategic Economic Behaviour in an Exchange Economy -- A General (Non-) Walrasian Prototype,PART 1
1979 58 Ayse Gedik Descriptive Analyses of Vilage-to-Provice-Center Migration in Turkey: 1965-70
1979 57 Takatoshi Tabuchi Optimal Distribution of City Sizes in a Region
1979 56 Takao Fukuchi Fumio Isaka & Mamoru Ohbayashi Ecomonic Growth and Exchange Rate Systems
1979 55 Mikoto Usui Technological Capacitation and International Division of Labor
1979 54 Yoshiko Nogami A Non-Regula Squared-Error loss Set-Compound Estimation Problem
1979 53 Hajime Eto Decentralization Model with Coordination in Terms of Policy Selection
1979 52 Satoru Fujishige A New Efficient Algorithm for Finding shortest Paths in Networks wih Arcs of NEgative Length
1979 51 Satoru Fujishige Lexicographically Optimal Base of a Polymatroid with Respect to a Weight Vector
1979 50 Hiroyuki Odagiri Advertising and Welfare: A Pedagogical Note
1979 49 Yukio Oguri Relocation Demand and Housing Prefrence of the Households of the Tokyo Metropolitan Region: A Mettropolitan Residential Relocation Survey
1979 48 Hajime Eto Effectiveness of decentralization with Power Separation in Central Authority
1979 47 Yozo Ito & Mamoru Kaneko Ratio Equilibrium on a Economy with an Externality
1979 46 Mamoru Kaneko The Optimal Progressive Income Tax -- The Existence the Limit Tax Rates
1979 45 Nozomu Matsubara Informational Evaluation of decision Criteria in Situational decision Marking Model
1979 44 Atsuyuki Okabe The Number of Quadrats and the Goodness-of-Fit Test of the Quadrat Method forTesting Randomness in the Distribution of Points on a Plane
1979 43 Takao Fukuchi Growth and Stability of Multi-Regional Economy
1979 42 Iwaro Takahashi Switching Functions Constructed by Galois Extension Fields
1979 41 Koichi Mera Basic Human Needs versus Economic Growth Approach for Coping with Urban-Rural Imbalances: An Evaluation Based on Relative Welfare
1979 40 Hiroyuki Odagiri Income Distribution and Growth in a Hiearchical Firm


