Discussion Paper Series

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年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2009 1241 Yuichi TAKANO and Jun-ya GOTOH Constant Rebalanced Portfolio Optimization under Nonlinear Transaction Costs
2009 1240 Jun-ya GOTOH,Yoshitsugu YAMAMOTO and Weifeng YAO Bounding European-type contingent claim prices via hedging strategy with coherent risk measure
2009 1239 河合亜矢子、福永康人、佐藤亮 サービス・イノベーション分析枠組みによるe-マーケットプレイスの分析
2009 1237 石井健一 携帯電話の高速化は携帯電話利用にどのような影響をもたらしているか
2009 1236 川村 顕、大平 邦明、吉田 あつし 公共下水道事業の効率性と補助金
2009 1235 Akira ICHIMURA and Maiko SHIGENO A new parameter for a broadcast algorithm with locally bounded Byzantine faults
2009 1234 Kyota EGUCHI Employment Protection Legislation and Incentives under Wage Rigidity
2009 1233 Shoko HANEDA, Akihiro HASHIMOTO and Takao TSUNEYOSHI "Evaluating Administrative Efficiency Change in the Post-Merger Period: A Study on Ibaraki Prefecture (1979-2004). "
2009 1232 石井健一 "キャラクター消費とその意識構造 "
2009 1231 張明超,高橋里司,繁野麻衣子 "最大密度部分集合問題と近似2分探索による解法 "
2009 1230 KAWAI ayako, SATO ryo "Impact of Integration of Manufacturaing Planning and Control Systems on Supply Chain Management "
2008 1229 Masakatsu OKUBO   The Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution: An Analysis Based on Japanese Data
2008 1228 Mamoru KANEKO and J. Jude KLINE   Transpersonal Understanding through Social Roles, and Emergence of Cooperation
2008 1227 SUMITA Ushio and ISOGAI Rina  Development of e-Marketing Contract Structure Based on Consumer-Generated Contents and Its Optimal Strategy
2008 1226 Ushio Sumita and Jun Yoshii Enhancement of m-Commerce via Mobile Access to the Internet
2008 1225 西本真弓、吉田あつし  " 療養病院における医療療養病床と介護療養病床の選択:診療報酬が選択に与える影響 "
2008 1224 Naoki WATANABE, Ryo NAKAJIMA, Takanori IDA " Quality-Adjusted Prices of Mobile Phone Handsets and Carriers’ Product Strategies: The Japanese Case "
2008 1223 Mamoru KANEKO  "Exploring New Socio-Economic Thought for a Small and Narrow Earth "
2008 1222 Mamoru KANEKO and Nobu-Yuki Suzuki "Contentwise Complexity of Inferences: An Evaluation of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem "
2008 1221 SUMITA Ushio and NAMIKAWA Atsushi "Danger of Exclusive Reliance on Ergodic Analysis for a Class of Preventive Maintenance Policies : Dynamic Semi-Markov Process Approach "
2008 1220 後藤順哉、高野祐一、山本芳嗣、和田保乃 "企業価値変動モデルとCVaRを用いた信用リスク最適化問題とその解法 "
2008 1219 Kazuki TAKAHASHI and Ushio SUMITA "On Non-Existence of Nash Equilibrium of an M Person Game with Pure Strategy for Energy Supply "
2008 1218 Antoni Wibowo " Robust Prediction in Kernel Principal Component Regression Based on M-Estimation "
2008 1217 Antoni Wibowo " An Algorithm for Nonlinear Weighted Least Squares Regression "
2008 1216 Shinichiro OKUSHIMA and Makoto TAMURA "How Can We Gauge the Sources of Energy Use Change? Multiple Calibration Decomposition Analysis and Structural Decomposition Analysis "

*DPPS=Division of Policy and Planning Sciences

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