Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2004 1092 Natsuki Sano, Hideo Suzuki, Masato Koda A Robust Boosting Method Using Zero-one Loss Function:SNRBoost
2004 1091 柳原宏和 非正規データにおける情報量規準を用いた共分散構造モデルの選択問題ー「日本人の国民性調査」データへの適用ー
2004 1090 Akiko Yoshise Interior Point Trajectories and a Homogeneous Model for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems over Symmetric Cones
2004 1089 YOSHIKO NOGAMI Regret Region Hypothesis Testing---Application to the Left-Retracted Exponential Distribution
2004 1088 "Yoshiaki OHSAWA, Frank PLASTRIA and Kazuki TAMURA" Push-Pull Partial Covering Problems
2004 1087 Jae-dong Son Customers Selection Problem with Idling Profit
2004 1086 Jae- dong Son Customers Selection Problem with Idling Profit Where Only One Customer is Allowed to be Held-Revision of Discussion Paper No.1032-
2004 1085 Mong Shan EE Newsboy problem with pricing policy
2004 1084 "Seizo ikuta " An Integration of the Optimal Stopping Problem and The optimal Pricing Problem -Model with No Recall-
2004 1083 K.Ohbo, M.Tsurutani, M.Umezawa and Y.Yamamoto "Social Welfare Function for Restricted Preference Domain "
2004 1082 Lixing Sun and Makoto Ohta "Impacts of Japanese and the US Monetary Policies on Asian Economies"
2003 1081 Shinichiro Iwata and Hisaki Yamaga The Costs and Benefits of Tenancy Rent Control in Tokyo
2003 1080 Atsushi Yoshida and Young-Sook Kim "Sharing Health Risk and Income Risk within Households: Evidence from Japanese Data"
2003 1079 "Yutaka YONETANI, Shinichiro WATANABE, and Yuichiro KANAZAWA" A study on the effect of organizational family supportiveness on employees' turnover intention
2003 1078 Kazuya KURIHARA, Satoshi MYOJO, and Yuichiro KANAZAWA An Analysis of Japanese Automobile Market in Market Equilibrium
2003 1077 山田直志, 山田哲司, 曾衛紅, 陳佳青 日本の内部労働市場:被雇用者の超過労働と健康
2003 1076 "Hirokazu Yanagihara & Atsushi Yoshimoto " Statistical Procedure for Assessing the Amount of Carbon Sequestrated by Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) Plantation "Hirokazu Yanagihara & Atsushi Yoshimoto "
2003 1075 野上佳子 Nonparametric BayesianからみたBayes検定論
2003 1074 Daiji Kawaguchi and Ken Yamada "The Impact of Minimum Wage on Female Employment in Japan"
2003 1073 Johannes Hamonangan Siregar, Yongbing Zhang, and Hideaki Takagi "Optimal Multicast Routing Using Genetic Algorithm for WDM Optical Networks"
2003 1072 Eiji Fujii Exchange rate pass-through in the deflationary Japan: How effective is the yen's depreciation for fighting deflation?
2003 1071 柳原宏和・吉本敦・能本美穂 林分成長分析のための一般化非線形混合効果モデル
2003 1070 Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi A Theoretical Assessment of the Rescue Package for Japanese Banks
2003 1069 Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi and Masakatsu Okubo "Measuring the Welfare Cost of the Japanese Long Stagnation"
2003 1068 Ushio Sumita and Tsunehisa Ise "Structural Analysis of Optimal Investment Strategy for Project Management via Real Option Approach"


