Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2005 1115 Yoshitsugu YAMAMOTO and Daisuke ZENKE Outer Approximation Method for the Minimum Maximal Flow Problem
2005 1114 Jun-ya GOTOH and Yuichi TAKANO The Downside Risk-Averse News-Vendor Minimizing Conditional Value-at-Risk Jun-ya GOTOH and Yuichi TAKANO
2004 1113 Yoshiaki OHSAWA,Naoya OZAK and Frank PLASTRIA "Equity-efficiency bicriteria location models with squared Euclidean distances"
2004 1112 Mizue Ohe , Nobuko IGAKI, Ushio SUMITA Development of Parametric Simulation Models for Structural Analysis of Voting Behaviors in Public Referendum
2004 1111 Yongxing Ye,Naoyuki Kaneda Voluntary Disclosure practices of Japanese Corporations Listed on Mothers and Jasdaq
2004 1110 西信洋、金田直之 経営者予想の信頼性 西信洋、金田直之
2004 1109 石井健一 韓流の源流ーアジア志向の経時的比較
2004 1108 Tadashi Yamada, Tetsuji Yamada, Weihong Zeng and Chia-Ching Chen Why is Employee’s Overwork Prevalent in Japan, Despite the Adverse Effects on Health?
2004 1107 Masatsu Okubo Intertemporal Substitution and Nonhomothetic Preferences
2004 1106 Masatsu Okubo Measurement of Intertemporal Substitution under Nonseparable and Nonhomothetic Utility: The Case of Import Demand
2004 1105 石井健一 対日意識とアジア志向の関連
2004 1104 Ayami Suzuka, Ryuhei Miyashiro, Akiko Yoshise and Tomomi Matsui "Semidefinite Programming Based Approaches to Home-away Assignment Problems in Sports Scheduling"
2004 1103 Jae-Dong Son Customer Selection Problem wiht Multiple Servers and Profit From a Sideline
2004 1102 Mizuki Kawabata and Akiko Takahashi Modeling with GIS: OD Commuting Times by Car and Public Transit in Tokyo
2004 1101 Sang-Yong Kim and Hideaki Takagi Dynamic Control of the Address Binding Update for Mobile Nodes in a Hierarchical Mobile IP Network
2004 1100 金盛長(金子守) ゲーム理論における合理性と限定合理性
2004 1099 Masaki Murata, Yongbing Zhang, Hideaki Takagi , and Yusheng Ji Traffic-Based Reconfiguration for Logical Topology in Large-Scale WDM Optical
2004 1098 Mong Shan EE A Switching Model of Optimal Asset Selling Problem
2004 1097 Nobuyuki Harada Video Game Demand in japan: A Household Data Analysis
2004 1096 Jun-ya GOTOH and Akiko TAKEDA A Linear Classiflcation MObel Based on Condition Geometric Score
2004 1095 Minoru Ohmikawa, hideki Takagi, Sang-Yong Kim Optional call Admission Control for Voice Traffic in Cellular Mobile Communication Networks
2004 1094 Y.Yamamoto and D.Zenke D.C.Optimization Methods for Minimum Maximal Flow Problem
2004 1093 原田信行、石川智久 "部門別設備投資と内部資本市場 -製造業パネルデータによる実証分析-"
2004 1092 Natsuki Sano, Hideo Suzuki, Masato Koda A Robust Boosting Method Using Zero-one Loss Function:SNRBoost
2004 1091 柳原宏和 非正規データにおける情報量規準を用いた共分散構造モデルの選択問題ー「日本人の国民性調査」データへの適用ー


