Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1988 370 Hitoshi Matsushima The Theory of Implementation Revisited: A New Approach to the Implementation Problem
1988 369 鄭 昌植 釜山市の都市計画
1988 368 Hitoshi Matsushima Efficiency in Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring
1988 367 Iwaro Takahashi AHP applied to Binary and Ternary Comparisons
1988 366 Iwaro Takahashi Analysis of AHP by BIBD
1988 365 Yoshitsugu Yamamoto Fixed Point Algorithms for Stationary Point Problems
1988 364 Satoru Fujishige Linear and Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Submodular Constraints
1988 363 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto and W. Bentley MacLeod The Theory of Contracts and Labor Practices in Japan and the United States
1987 362 Yoshimi Kuroda The Output Bias of Technological Change in Postwar Japanese Agriculture
1987 361 Yoshimi Kuroda Impacts of Economies of Scale and Technological Change on Agricultural Productivity in Japan
1987 360 Keizo Nagatani Toward a Theory of Money Games
1987 359 Hiroyuki Odagiri and Tatsuo Hase Are Mergers and Acquisitions Going to Be Popular in Japan Too ?:An Empirical Analysis
1987 358 Takatoshi Tabuchi 製造業における集積の経済性と地域間分業体制
1987 357 Noriyuki Matsuda Helping Knowledge Transfer for Statistical Package Users
1987 356 Yoshifusa Kitabatake Optimal Exploitation and Enhancement of Environmental Resources
1987 355 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto and W. Bentley MacLeod The Ratchet Effect,the Market for Senior Workers,and Intertemporal Commitment
1987 354 Saburo Ikeda Commercial Biotechnology: Technological Risks and Management
1987 353 Saburo Ikeda and Kazuhiko Kawamura A Comparative Perspective on Risk Management in the U.S.A. and Japan
1987 352 Sho-Ichiro Kusumoto On the Lognormal Income Determination Hypothesis-Linear Income Tax,Incentives and Abilities
1987 351 Yasuhiro Yonezawa Stock Price in an Overlapping Generation Model
1987 350 Wentian CUI and Satoru Fujishige A Primal Algorithm for the Submodular Flow Problem with Minimum-Mean Cycle Selection
1987 349 Yasuhiro Yonezawa The Banking and the Corporate Capital Structure
1987 348 Yasuhiro Yonezawa Roll's Critique and the Stock Market Beta
1987 347 Yoshifusa Kitabatake Backward Incidence of Environmental Policy in the two Sector Model with Production Externality
1987 346 Fujio Niwa The Use of Crystallographic Method in Analyzing and Aggregating Preferences for Technological Development


