Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
2001 967 Shigeki Kano and Makoto Ohta "An Empirical Matching Function with Regime Switching: The Japanese case"
2001 966 山鹿久木(筑波大学)、中川雅之(大阪大学)、齊藤誠(一橋大学) 地震危険度と地価形成:東京都の事例
2001 965 Yoshiko Nogami "Hypothesis Testing Based on Lagrange's Method - - -An Application to The Location Parameter of The Exponential Distribution- - -"
2001 964 安田八十五・山口和敏 "都市周辺における自然公園の経済的価値に関する評価と測定 茨城県牛久自然観察の森における事例研究"
2001 963 Haruo Onishi An Informatic and Computational Variable Selection Method for Almon Distributed Lag Regression
2001 962 Haruo Onishi "Statistical Philosophy, Computational Techniques and Practically-Best Regression Equation"
2001 961 Haruo Onishi "A Knowledge-based Variable Selection Method for Box-Cox Transformation"
2001 960 安藤和敏、 小原朱理、 山本芳嗣 相互評価の下での可能性定理
2001 959 Lixing Sun and Makoto Ohta "Measurement of International Capital Mobility in Korea, Mexico and Hong Kong: Application of Shibata and Shintani Approach*"
2001 958 Dean Wu and Hideaki Takagi A Queue with semi-Markovian Batch plus Poissom Arrivals with Application to the MPEG Frame Sequence
2001 957 "Kazutoshi Ando " "Characterizations of Convex Geometries by Extreme Point Operator"
2001 956 Yoshiko Nogami 切断型分布の推測問題についての考察
2001 955 Yoshiaki Ohsawa Highway Construction under Referendum and Representative Democracy
2001 954 鄭 小平 "経済成長か、環境保全か -中国経済を事例として- "
2001 953 追杉健一 派生証券市場の価格の分布の歪みに関する一考察
2001 952 Hitoshi Mitsuhashi Another Determinant of Strategic Conformity: Effects of Resource Dependence and the Role of Organizational Credibility
2001 951 Shimpei Yagyu and Hideaki Takagi A Queueing Model with Input of MPEG Frame Sequence and Interfering Traffic (A Revised Version)
2001 950 Sung Jin Kang Japanese Voters and the Responsibility Hypothesis -The 1996 House of Representatives Election
2001 949 Yoshiko Nogami An Unbiased One-sided Test for the Positional Parameter of the Exponential Distribution
2001 948 Yongbing Zhang, Koji Taira, Hideaki Takagi, and Sajal K. Das An Effcient Heuristic for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks
2001 947 Fengbo Shi Optimal Hostage Rescue Problem Where an Action Can Only Be Taken Once -Case Where Its Effectiveness Lasts up to the Deadline-
2001 946 Takashi Norimatsu, Hideaki Takagi, and H. Richard Gail Performance Analysis of the IEEE 1394 Serial Bus
2001 945 Taiki Wakayama and Kazuhisa Takemura ファジィ入出力データの可能性線形回帰分析における影響の大きいデータの検出法とその応用
2001 944 A.J.J. Talman & Y. Yamamoto Continuum of Zero Points of a Mapping on a Compact, Convex Set
2001 943 Ram溶 M.Rodr暖uez-Dagnino and Hideaki Takagi Counting Handovers in a Cellular Mobile Communication Network: Delayed Renewal Process Approach


