年度 |
DP NO. |
著者名 |
タイトル |
2001 |
942 |
Yoshiko Nogami |
Correction of the Proof of Theorem 1 in D. P. S. No.913 |
2001 |
941 |
Ram溶 M.Rodr暖uez-Dagnino and Hideaki Takagi |
Counting Handovers in a Cellular Mobile Communication Network: Equilibrium Renewal Process Approach |
2001 |
940 |
Anit N. Mukherjee and Yoshimi Kuroda |
How Important is Non-farm Sector for Agriculture: A Dynamic Panel Approach for Rural India |
2001 |
939 |
Mourad Mansour and Yasuo Hoshino |
Entry Mode Choice of the Japanese MNEs in Europe: Impact of Firm and Industrial Factors |
2001 |
938 |
Anit N. Mukherjee and Yoshimi Kuroda |
Effect of Rural Non-farm Employment and Infrastructure on Agricultural Productivity : Evidence from India |
2001 |
937 |
Anit N. Mukherjee and Yoshimi Kuroda |
Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Non-farm Sector in India: An Assessment of the Data |
2001 |
936 |
Yoshiaki Ohsawa and Takeshi Koshizuka |
Map Projection Errors in the Weber Problem |
2001 |
935 |
Masatoshi Yoshida and Koichi Yuki |
Intergenerational Externalities and Optimal Taxation of Elderly Care Services |
2001 |
934 |
Masatoshi Yoshida and Go Nagase |
Keynesian Multipliers in a Dynamic Macroeconomic Model of Monopolistic Competition |
2001 |
933 |
Fengbo Shi |
An Optimal Hostage Rescue Problem -Revision of Discussion Paper No.872- |
2001 |
932 |
Yoshiko Nogami |
Hynothesis Testing Based on Lagrange's Method |
2001 |
931 |
Yoshiko Nogami |
Optimal Two-Sided Test for the Location Parameter of the Uniform Distribution Based on Lagrange's Method |
2001 |
930 |
Sung Jin Kang |
The Evolution of Regional Income Distribution in Japan |
2001 |
929 |
Hideaki Takagi, Muneo Kitajima, Tetsuo Yamamoto, Yongbing Zhang |
Search process evaluation for a hierarchical menu system by Markov chains |
2001 |
928 |
2001 |
927 |
Ram溶 M.Rodr暖uez-Dagnino, Jorge J.Ruiz-Cedillo, and Hideaki Takagi |
Dynamic Mobility Management for Cellular Networks: A Delayed Renewal Process Approach |
2001 |
926 |
Seizo Ikuta |
On Symmetries and Asymmetries Between Maximization OSP and Minimization OSP -Model with No Recall- |
2001 |
925 |
Sung Jin Kang, Man Woo Lee |
Income Distribution and Transfer Income as a Social Safety Net in Korea |
2001 |
924 |
Yeh Tsung-ming & Yasuo Hoshino |
Productivity and Operating Performance of Japanese Merging Firms: Keiretsu-Related and Independent Mergers |
2001 |
923 |
Sung Jin Kang, Myoungjae Lee |
Q-Convergence with Interquartile Ranges |
2001 |
922 |
Yutaka Nakamura |
Semimetric Thresholds for Finite Posets |
2001 |
921 |
上田真、松尾博文 |
インターネットを用いたビジネスモデル特許の一分類法 |
2001 |
920 |
Johannes Hamonangan Siregar,Hideaki Takagi,and Yongbing Zhang |
Optimal Wavelength Converter Placement in Optical Networks by Genetic Algorithm |
2001 |
919 |
Hsiao-chien Tsui |
The Interaction of Market Structures and External Exposuer Effects on Profit Margins : An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan |
2001 |
918 |
Hideyuki Takamizawa and Isao shoji |
Modeling the Term Structure of Interest Rates with General Short-Rate Models |