年度 |
DP NO. |
著者名 |
タイトル |
2020 |
1369 |
島田 夏美(Natsumi SHIMADA),吉田 真聖人(Masahito YOSHIDA),澤 亮治(Ryoji SAWA) |
oTree を用いた配属システムの設計・構築とその運用(The design, development, and management of a matching system with oTree)
2019 |
1368 |
Shin-ichi KANOH, Akiko YOSHISE |
Centering ADMM for the Semidefinite Relaxation of the QAP |
2019 |
1367 |
Akira OKADA, Ryoji SAWA |
The Evolution of Collective Choice Under Majority Rule |
2019 |
1366 |
村山 透(Toru MURAYAMA) |
(An Analysis of the Effect of Time Constraint on Consumption to
Urban Structure)
2019 |
1365 |
村山 透(Toru MURAYAMA) |
(An Analysis of Time Constraint and Urban Agglomeration)
2019 |
1364 |
An Application of
Two-Constraint Consumption Model:
Two goods case with time constraint
Revised Version
2019 |
1363 |
ZHONG Dai, TAMURA Kazuki, OHSAWA Yoshiaki |
Spatial Analysis on Accuracy of Travelling
Distance on Network |
2019 |
1362 |
OUYANG Junyan, OHSAWA Yoshiaki |
Analytical Rideshare Model by Considering Locations
of Drivers and Passengers
- Why Ridesharing Fell Flat in Local Japan - |
2019 |
1361 |
讃井 知(Sato SANAI),大山 智也(Tomoya OHYAMA) |
社会工学オーラル・ヒストリー:川手昭二(名誉教授) - 前編:社会工学 –
(PPS Oral History: Professor Emeritus Shoji Kawate, Part 1. “Policy and Planning Sciences” and Me)
2019 |
1360 |
Nonparametric direct density ratio estimation using beta kernel |
2019 |
1359 |
Yuzhu WANG, Akihiro TANAKA, and Akiko YOSHISE |
Polyhedral approximations of the semidefinite cone and their application |
2019 |
1358 |
Gaku IGARASHI and Yoshihide KAKIZAWA |
Higher-order bias corrections for kernel type density estimators on the unit or semi-infinite interval |
2018 |
1357 |
黒田 翔(Sho KURODA) |
社会工学オーラル・ヒストリー:石田東生(名誉教授)(PPS Oral History: Professor Emeritus Haruo Ishida) |
2018 |
1356 |
島田 夏美(Natsumi SHIMADA), 黒田 翔(Sho KURODA) |
社会工学オーラル・ヒストリー:川上彰(技術職員)(PPS Oral History: Akira Kawakami, former technical official) |
2018 |
1355 |
Gaku IGARASHI and Yoshihide KAKIZAWA |
Multiplicative bias correction for asymmetric kernel density estimators revisited |
2018 |
1354 |
Masakatsu OKUBO |
On the Computation of Detection Error Probabilities under Normality Assumptions |
2017 |
1353 |
Masaki YAMADA, Masashi KIMURA, Naoki TAKAHASHI, and Akiko YOSHISE |
Optimization-based analysis of last-mile one-way mobility sharing |
2017 |
1352 |
Hidekazu ANNO and Morimitsu KURINO |
Dual Organ Markets: Coexistence of Living and Deceased Donors |
2017 |
1351 |
Morimitsu KURINO and Natsumi SHIMADA |
車両速度の情報開示におけるドライバー意思決定問題実験 |
2017 |
1350 |
河又 裕士(Yuji KAWAMATA), 秋山 英三(Eizo AKIYAMA) |
日本のガソリン小売価格の変動において見られるエッジワース・サイクルと店舗価格の同期現象 |
2017 |
1349 |
Gaku IGARASHI and Yoshihide KAKIZAWA |
Limiting bias-reduced Amoroso kernel density estimators for nonnegative data |
2017 |
1348 |
河又 裕士(Yuji KAWAMATA), 秋山 英三(Eizo AKIYAMA) |
2017 |
1347 |
中野 暁(Satoshi NAKANO), 近藤 文代(Fumiyo KONDO) |
Multichannel Shopper Segments of Purchase Channels and Media Touchpoints using Single Source Panel Data |
2016 |
1346 |
Hiromine SAKURAI and Eizo AKIYAMA |
Bubbles and Information in Continuous Double Auction and Call Market: An Experiment |
2016 |
1345 |
Gaku IGARASHI and Yoshihide KAKIZAWA |
Amoroso kernel density estimation for nonnegative data and its bias reduction |