Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1984 242 Noboru Sakashita Market Equilibrium and Social Optimum in a Two-Region Economy
1984 241 Saburo Ikeda Economic-Ecological Models in Regional Setting
1984 240 Seizo Ikuta Optimal Stopping Problem with Uncertain recall
1984 239 Kazuo Murota Finding a Homotopy Base for Directrd Paths in an Acyclic Graph
1984 238 Kazuo Murota Homotopy Base of Acyclic Graphs --- A Combinatorial analisis of Commutative Diagrams by MEans of Preordered Matroid
1984 237 Makoto Ohta Quality Regulation in the Used Car Market and New Car Sales
1984 236 Kozo Sasaki a Dynamic Analysis of the Japanese Expenditure Pattern: An Application of the Linear EXpenditure System to The 1961-82 Data
1984 235 Yoshimi Kuroda The Determinants of Labor Migration out of Agriculture in Japan
1984 234 Makoto Ohta Quality Discrimination and Replacement Demand of Durablr Goods
1984 233 Hiroyuki Odagiri Layoff Minimization Behavior as a Macroeconomic Stabilizer: Theory Evidence,and International Comparison
1984 232 Noriyuki Mazuda Effects of Education on Occupational Achievement Among Migrants in the Mexico City Metroplitan Area in Comparison to Nonmigrants
1984 231 Sho-ichiro Kusumoto Leontief Technology and the Location Theory of the Firm - Specific Localization Theorems
1984 230 Yoshimi Kuroda An Empirical Analysis of the Agricultural Labor Market i Postwar Japan
1984 229 Sho-ichiro Kusumoto Wekfare abd Work-Incentive Effects of the Redistributive Taxation; A Negative Income Tax Proposal
1984 228 Takatoshi Tabuchi Urban Agglomeration,Capital Augmenting Technology,and Labor Market Equilibrium
1984 227 Noboru Sakashita towards a Theory of Regional Economic Policy inPostwar Japan
1984 226 Hihoyuki Odagiri & Hideki Yamawaki A Study of Company Profit-Rate Time Series: Japan and the United States
1984 225 Mamoru Kaneko & Yoshitsugu Yamamoto The Existence and Computaion of Competitive Equilibrium in Markets with Indivisible Commodities
1984 224 Masaaki Kataoka an Ex Post Evaluation of a Regional Development Project a Case Study of the Kaashima Development Project (Revised)
1984 223 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto & Ryohei Nakamura A New Approach to the Estimation of Structural Equation in Hedonic Models
1984 222 Shigeru Matsukawa
1984 221 Shigeru Matsuakwa The Equilibrium Distribution of Wage Settlements and Economic Stability
1983 220 Shinji Tsuruta & Yoshiko Nogami Use of Aics in Log Linear Model for Contigency Tables with Poisson and Multinomial Designs
1983 219 Noboru Sakashita Location Quotients Export Industries,and Shift-Share Analysis
1983 218 Nobuo Takahashi & Satoru Takayanagi Decision Procedure Models and Empirical Research: A Case of Japanese Firms


