Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1983 216 Ikuo Kabashima & Hideo Sato Local Content and Congressional Politics: Group-Theory and Foreign-Policy Implications
1983 215 Komei Sasaki & Noboru Sakashita Evaluation of Changes in Urban Transport system: An Open City Approach
1983 214 Haruo Ohnishi On a Variable Selection Procedure for Fuller's Modified Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Method
1981 213 Haruo Ohnishi On a Variable Selection Procedure for Morimume's Modified Limited Information Maximum Linkelihhod Method
1983 212 Haruo Ohnishi On a Variable Selection Procedure for Linearly Constrained Two Stage Least Squares Method
1983 211 Noboru Sakashita Welfare Implications of Competitive Store Location
1983 210 Yuji Kubo Quality Uncertainty and Grarntee: A Case of Strategic Market Segmention by a Monopolist
1983 209 Tonye. Smith A Foundational Framework for Poisson frequency Analyses of Weakly Interacting Populations
1983 208 Sho-ichiro Kusumoto On a Foundation of the Economic Theory of Location - Transport Distance vs. Technological Substitution (revised)
1983 207 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto Pricing and Investment Policies ina System of Competitive Commuter Railways
1983 206 Haruo Ohnishi A variable Selection Procedure for the Limited Information Maximum Likelihood Method
1983 205 Yukihiko Funaki & Mamoru Kaneko Economies With Labor Indivisibilities Part ㈼ - Competitive Equilibria under Tax Schedules
1983 204 Haruo Ohnishi A Variable Selection Method for Two Stage Leasst Squares
1983 203 Mamoru Kaneko On the Optimal Tax Rates
1983 202 Masaski Kataoka An Ex Post Facto Evalution of a Regional Developement Project A Case Study of the Kashima Development Project
1983 201 Takatoshi Tabuchi Time-Series Modeling of Gross Migration and Dynamic Equilibrium
1983 200 Yukihiro Funaki & Mamoru Kaneko Economies with Labor Indivisibilities Part1: Optimal Income Tax Schedules
1983 199 Yoshitsugu Yamamoto A Fortran Program o fthe (3n-1)-Method for Solving Systems of Equations
1983 198 Satoru Fujishige Onthe Subdifferential of Submodular Function
1983 197 Satoru Fujishige A System of Linear Inequalities with a Submodular Function on {0,ア1}- Vectors
1983 196 Takatoshi Tabuchi The Systemic Variables and Elasticties in alonso7s General Theory of Movement
1983 195 Hajime Eto Decentalisation Model with Flexible Multi Goal and Concession
1983 194 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto A New Approach to the Estimation of Structual Equation in Hedonic Models
1983 193 Makoto Ohta Automobile Prices and Quality: Did the Gasolline Price Increase Cange Consumer Taste in the U.S.?
1983 192 Hiroshi Atsumi On the Rate Interest and the How Input-Output Type of Production Processes in a One Commodity World


