Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1983 194 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto A New Approach to the Estimation of Structual Equation in Hedonic Models
1983 193 Makoto Ohta Automobile Prices and Quality: Did the Gasolline Price Increase Cange Consumer Taste in the U.S.?
1983 192 Hiroshi Atsumi On the Rate Interest and the How Input-Output Type of Production Processes in a One Commodity World
1983 191 Haruo Ohnishi Variable Selection in Regression Analysis and Package OEPP
1983 190 Yoshitsugu Yamamoto Variable Dimension Fixed Point Algorithm and the Orientation of Simplices
1983 189 Hiroshi Atsumi On the ‘Smallest’Internal Rate of Returns
1983 188 Hajime Eto Model of R & D Investement of Firms and Resultiog ne Skew Distribution
1983 187 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto General Equlibrium Analiysis of the Benefits of Large Transportaion Improvements
1983 186 Noriyoshi Oguchi On Temporal Aggregation of Linear Dynamic System
1983 185 Seizo Ikuta Double Reservation Values Property of Stopping Problem with Uncertain recall
1983 184 Ikuo Kabashima Approach to Socioeconomic Neutrality in Political Participation: Participation in America Revisited
1983 183 Noriyuki Mazuda Effects of Familiarity and Schedule on the Conformity Behavior among Japanese Subjects
1983 182 Isao Ohhashi Investment in Sspecific Human Capital and Quit Behavior
1982 181 Haruo Ohnishi Variable Choice for Constrained Ordinary Least Squares in Economic Analysis
1982 180 Mamoru Kaneko Reformilation of the Nash Social Welfare Function for a Continuum of Individuals
1982 179 Yoshiko Nogami Bounds for Difference of Two Integrals of a Bounded Function in Terms of Extensions of Levy Metric
1982 178 Shigeru Matsukawa Teh Distribution of Wage Settlements and Optimum Monetary Policy
1982 177 Mamoru Kaneko On interpersonal Utility Comparisons
1982 176 Fumio Hayashi real and Financial Decisions of a Firm with Bankruptcy and Default: An Integration
1982 175 Genji Yamazaki,Takashi Kawashima & Hirotaka Sakasegawa reversiblity of Tandem Blocking Queueing System
1982 174 Yasoi Yasuda Urban Land Use Patterns with Land Ownership;Towards a Game-Theoretic Framework for Urban Land Use Theory
1982 173 Yoshitsugu Yamamoto General Equlibrium Analysis of the Beneftis of Large Transportation Improvements
1982 172 Noboru Sakashita Evaluation of regional Development Policy- an Alternative Approach
1982 171 Nozomu Matsubara Exact Formula for ASN Function ETC. when LOG of Likelihood-Ratio Takes Only Two Integral Multiples of a Constant
1982 170 Noriyuki Mazuda Cognitive Models for Life and Work=Related Satisfaction: Evidence From Latent Structure Analysis


