Discussion Paper Series



年度 DP NO. 著者名 タイトル
1981 144 Haruo Ohnishi An Economic Approach to the Best in Regression Analysis
1981 143 Noriyuki Mazuda Spatial Configurations of The Brazilian States with respect to Human Migration
1981 142 Hajime Wago & Masahiro Kuroda Relative Price Changes and Biases of Technical Change in Japan -- KLEM Production Model
1981 141 Kazumi Asako Money Supply Uncertainty and Activist Stabilization Policy under Rational Expectations
1981 140 Hiroyuki Odagiri Product Innovation in a Cournot Economy on Innvation and Competition on Imitatio Imitation
1981 139 Hajime Eto Evaluation Model of Techological aid Policy to Developing Countries
1981 138 Hajime Eto & Kyoko Makino Theoetical and Empirical Analysis of Differentiaion Process in Technology Gap between Developed and Developing Nations
1981 137 Koichi Mera National Spatial Policies and Urban Development: Lesson From the Japanese Expearence
1981 136 Yoshitsugu Kanemoto Pricing and Investment Policies in the System of Competitive Commuter Raillways
1981 135 Satoru Fujishige The Theory of Semimodular Programs
1981 134 Kazumi Asako & Ryuhei Wakasugi Government Capital,Income Distribution,and Optimal Ttaxation
1981 133 Yuji Kubo Inerindustry Kinkage and Industrial Development
1981 132 Seizo Ikuta Multistage Decision Process with Random Observations and its Applications
1981 131 Ikuo Kabashima Supportive Paricipatory model Of Development - Political Participation and Income Distribution in Growing Economies -
1981 130 Hirotaka Sakasegawa Numerical Analysis on Tandem Queueing System with Blocking
1981 129 Yoshitsugu Yamamoto & Kiyoshi Murata A New Variable Dimensio Algorithm: Extension for Separable Mappings,Geometric Interpretation and Some Applications
1981 128 Kanemi Ban A Macroeconometric Model of Japan with Rational Expectations
1981 127 Isao Ohashi Optimal Properties of Wage and Layoff Policies and the Impact of Trade Unionism
1981 126 Kazumi Asako The Penrose effect and the Long-Run Equilibrium of a Monetary Optimizing Model: Superneutrality and Nonexistence
1981 125 Takao Fukuchi & Noriyoshi Oguchi A Generalization of Keynesian Macromodel; the STIC Model
1981 124 Noboru Mastubara Evalution of Regional Development Policy-An Alternative Approach
1981 123 Hiroyuki Odagiri R & D Expenditures,Royalty Payments,and Sales Groeth in Japanese Manufacturing Corporations
1981 122 Hajime Eto Epistemologico-Logical Approach to the Validity of Model in View of the Fuzzy System Model
1981 121 Satoru Fujishige Structures of Polytopes Determined by Submodular Functions on Crossing Families
1981 120 Haime Eto & Kyoko Makino The Validity of the Simon's Firm-Size Model and its Revision


