年度 |
DP NO. |
著者名 |
タイトル |
1981 |
144 |
Haruo Ohnishi |
An Economic Approach to the Best in Regression Analysis |
1981 |
143 |
Noriyuki Mazuda |
Spatial Configurations of The Brazilian States with respect to Human Migration |
1981 |
142 |
Hajime Wago & Masahiro Kuroda |
Relative Price Changes and Biases of Technical Change in Japan -- KLEM Production Model |
1981 |
141 |
Kazumi Asako |
Money Supply Uncertainty and Activist Stabilization Policy under Rational Expectations |
1981 |
140 |
Hiroyuki Odagiri |
Product Innovation in a Cournot Economy on Innvation and Competition on Imitatio Imitation |
1981 |
139 |
Hajime Eto |
Evaluation Model of Techological aid Policy to Developing Countries |
1981 |
138 |
Hajime Eto & Kyoko Makino |
Theoetical and Empirical Analysis of Differentiaion Process in Technology Gap between Developed and Developing Nations |
1981 |
137 |
Koichi Mera |
National Spatial Policies and Urban Development: Lesson From the Japanese Expearence |
1981 |
136 |
Yoshitsugu Kanemoto |
Pricing and Investment Policies in the System of Competitive Commuter Raillways |
1981 |
135 |
Satoru Fujishige |
The Theory of Semimodular Programs |
1981 |
134 |
Kazumi Asako & Ryuhei Wakasugi |
Government Capital,Income Distribution,and Optimal Ttaxation |
1981 |
133 |
Yuji Kubo |
Inerindustry Kinkage and Industrial Development |
1981 |
132 |
Seizo Ikuta |
Multistage Decision Process with Random Observations and its Applications |
1981 |
131 |
Ikuo Kabashima |
Supportive Paricipatory model Of Development - Political Participation and Income Distribution in Growing Economies - |
1981 |
130 |
Hirotaka Sakasegawa |
Numerical Analysis on Tandem Queueing System with Blocking |
1981 |
129 |
Yoshitsugu Yamamoto & Kiyoshi Murata |
A New Variable Dimensio Algorithm: Extension for Separable Mappings,Geometric Interpretation and Some Applications |
1981 |
128 |
Kanemi Ban |
A Macroeconometric Model of Japan with Rational Expectations |
1981 |
127 |
Isao Ohashi |
Optimal Properties of Wage and Layoff Policies and the Impact of Trade Unionism |
1981 |
126 |
Kazumi Asako |
The Penrose effect and the Long-Run Equilibrium of a Monetary Optimizing Model: Superneutrality and Nonexistence |
1981 |
125 |
Takao Fukuchi & Noriyoshi Oguchi |
A Generalization of Keynesian Macromodel; the STIC Model |
1981 |
124 |
Noboru Mastubara |
Evalution of Regional Development Policy-An Alternative Approach |
1981 |
123 |
Hiroyuki Odagiri |
R & D Expenditures,Royalty Payments,and Sales Groeth in Japanese Manufacturing Corporations |
1981 |
122 |
Hajime Eto |
Epistemologico-Logical Approach to the Validity of Model in View of the Fuzzy System Model |
1981 |
121 |
Satoru Fujishige |
Structures of Polytopes Determined by Submodular Functions on Crossing Families |
1981 |
120 |
Haime Eto & Kyoko Makino |
The Validity of the Simon's Firm-Size Model and its Revision |